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How to get started and thrive in burlesque

Becoming a burlesque performer isn’t easy, but if you know who to talk to and have an understanding of how the industry works, you could be successful.

Taking acting, improv or dance classes can give amateur burlesque performers an advantage according to Helen of Tronna, a member of Nerd Girl Burlesque in Toronto.

“What you’re doing up there involves dance, improv and striptease. So having that extra skill in your back pocket is really going to help you,” she says.

You’ll also want to make an appearance on the scene as often as you can. Going out to a variety of shows and being exposed to different themed performances and performers is a great way to network with performers in the burlesque industry.

Tronna says it’s important to get out and see shows produced by different groups (rather than going to the same show every Friday night).

“One person is going to have a certain type of show they produce,” says Tronna. “You should go to as many types of shows as possible.”

Aside from working on talent and attending shows, it’s just as important to network with performers and offer to assist at shows if you really want to make an impression.

“There’s often a need for volunteers to help sell tickets or run the door,” says Nerd Girl Burlesque member, Delicia Pastiche. “The traditional gateway to becoming a performer is to be the stage kitten, getting the stage ready and cleaning up. It’s a good way to get involved.”

Once you are ready to perform, you have to pick a stage name – a crucial part of any burlesque performer’s act. It’s wise to pick one that suits your style rather than one that’s overused.

“Look for a name that really says something about who you are,” says Sauci Calla Horra, founder of the Toronto Burlesque Festival. “There are enough people with generic names and it’s a good idea to have a name that stands out a little bit more.”

Standing out as a unique act is important in this industry. One mistake new performers often make is going to shows, taking notes and attempting to perform similar acts, which is something you should avoid when you’re new to the scene. It’s a mistake that doesn’t go unnoticed, especially in Toronto’s enormous burlesque scene.

“It’s a small enough community that people will notice, and then you don’t get a very good reputation, which means people won’t want to work with you,” Horra explains.

Researching the history of burlesque, the performers and the venues will allow you to have a general knowledge and understanding for when you start.

“That’s the thing that I think is frustrating, is people starting and just not knowing the history of burlesque in general, where they’re performing, whether that’s Toronto or Montreal or New York or wherever. Know the people who’ve done this and get to know their work,” Horra says.

Like any beginner, new performers often fret over the possibility of messing up on stage. When you do make a mistake, remember: it’s not the end of the world.

“If something goes wrong, maintain your composure, maintain your character and work through it,” says Tronna. “Know that even the best of performers get tripped up and that’s totally normal.”

Being comfortable is also about believing you are sexy. Mindset is more important than trying to have the best body.

“There are lots of people with different body shapes who are sexy. It’s more about an overall level of glamour,” Horra says.

Performers have to hustle to get gigs because it’s not very well-paid and it’s expensive to produce.

“Because of the costume changes, you need time. If you’re going to have a longer show, you need a bigger cast, so that makes it expensive to produce. And the costumes are expensive to make,” Horra says.

It’s important to remember that once you’re in the burlesque scene, you have to be passionate to stand out above the rest, because you’ll be competing with hundreds of other performers trying to be the best in the business; however, if you work hard, network with the right performers and study the history, the spotlight will be all yours.

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